What an AWESOME experience as a coach to see the hard work and dedication of your friends and students be realized! I can’t say with words how in love with the process of human optimization through Jiu Jitsu I am! Not JUST the winning GOLD part, but the WHOLE process! Read Below to see the […]
Recently, Aces Jiu Jitsu Club Head Coach, Mikal Abdullah put together this high effective Leg Lasso sweep video in Austin, TX. This technique is particularly effective against aggressive guard passers who have a hard charging game! Before exploring the technique here are a few key dos and don’ts for this effective Jiu Jitsu technique:

Whether you’re a seasoned BJJ veteran or an eager newcomer to the sport, finding the right BJJ gym is tough. You don’t want to commit to a gym, start attending classes, only to realize that it’s not the right place for you. Check out these tips and learn how to find the right gym for […]

2015 is almost over and you’re running out of time to come up with your New Year’s Resolution ideas. If you haven’t made some yet – YOU’RE IN LUCK! Check out this list of 20 of the best BJJ Resolution Ideas, and pick a few that apply to you. Remember, the goals you set are the goals […]

Nothing makes you feel more empowered than a well structured attack sequence, right? Get in there and strike the bags, jump into an intense routine, and feel strong, right? Women’s fitness routines are usually based on intense fitness with wild abandon, and usually with little guidance to exact structure and form. I would encourage everyone, […]
BJJ vs Traditional Martial Arts

Anyone who is intellectually honest knows that Brazilian Jiu Jitsu is an elite martial art in that one needs to have at the very least a cursory understanding- if not a mastery of – to be a complete martial artist and/or fighter. How does it compare to other popular traditional martial arts out there? Why […]

As Brazilian Jiu-Jitsu grows in popularity it’s becoming more common to see people from all walks of life train in the Gentle Art. Men, Women and children of all ages, shapes and backgrounds are taking up this wonderful martial art, and the reasons why they begin training are as varied as the people who make […]
Your BJJ Survival Guide

Brazilian Jiu Jitsu (BJJ) is one of the most awesome martial arts that you’ll ever train, but many people find that it’s also one of the toughest to master. Unfortunately, many of those people quit before reaching the point where BJJ starts to change their lives for the better. Hopefully, this article will help you to avoid […]

The early days of the UFC showed the world the superiority of Grappling-specifically Brazilian Jiu Jitsu- over other fighting styles. Though any individual fighter can be fallible, the only competitors who are able to succeed in mixed martial arts today are those educated in grappling, in many cases specifically Jiu Jitsu. What makes jiu jitsu-and […]