BJJ Self Defense

Women’s Self Defense and Brazilian Jiu Jitsu is a Perfect Match

Women’s Self Defense programs are a dime a dozen. All to often, we see YouTube videos and people in the community teaching their brand of Self Defense, unfortunately for the women attending these classes, many of the techniques taught are entirely ineffective in a real world scenario.

Many of these women’s self defense classes focus on pain compliant techniques like groin strikes and pressure points and quite frankly, this is not enough. What a woman needs to truly be capable of defending herself is an understanding of leverage and technique to neutralize a bigger, stronger attacker. That’s why when someone asks me about self defense, I always reply “learn Jiu Jitsu”.

Jiu Jitsu (also known as Brazilian Jiu Jitsu or BJJ) is a martial art specifically designed to neutralize bigger, stronger opponents through an understanding of leverage, balance and techniques that will leave a potential attacker with broken bones or render them completely unconscious.

(Want to learn how to protect yourself? CLICK HERE and schedule a free lesson! We’ll teach you how to do an awesome arm bar and give you a chance to get 3 months for FREE.)

Now that we understand that Brazilian Jiu Jitsu is clearly the best option for self defense in the world, lets talk about who to learn from. There are plenty of good Jiu Jitsu schools in the Austin Texas area, that’s for sure. However, folks in Austin are lucky to have most successful Brazilian Jiu Jitsu program in Central Texas right in your back yard!

Aces Jiu Jitsu Club has more locations, more classes and has won more time in competition that any BJJ school in the area, and it isn’t even close. So when choosing whee you want to begin yur self defense training journey, clearely, you want to train with the best and that’s us. I look forward to seeing you on the mats!

CLICK HERE and schedule a free lesson! We’ll teach you how to do an awesome arm bar and give you a chance to get 3 months for FREE.)