BJJ Curated Mental Health

When You Have Depression, BJJ Is Far More Than Just Therapy | Jiu Jitsu Times

In this curated article from Jiu Jitsu Times, the author does a great job of pointing out what many of us already know … BJJ (Brazilian Jiu Jitsu) is not only a great workout, but it is also therapy for the mind and soul. Often times referred to as “mat therapy”, the euphoric feeling that […]

Fitness Health/Fitness Mental Health Why BJJ

Measuring the Positive Influence of Jiu Jitsu on PTSD

Over the years Brazilian Jiu Jitsu (BJJ) and the positive impact it has on on mental health and specific issues has been researched and discussed. We all know that training BJJ or any martial art has been proven to have direct links to an increase in self-esteem, self-confidence, and fighting depression. Andy GonzalezAndy Gonzalez is […]