BJJ Curated

Jiu Jitsu Featured in Fatherly’s “How I Stay Sane” Column

The folks at recently started a column covering what fathers do to keep themselves happy. The weekly column is called “How I Stay Sane”,and there are always some interesting takes. Some fathers paint, others fish and those certainly sound like great options to make a person happy. Today’s article in the How I Stay […]

BJJ Curated

Disabled Veterans Show Off Jiu Jitsu Skills

(Buffalo, NY) Larry Bailey worked up a sweat Sunday afternoon demonstrating a Jiu Jitsu throw down at RiverWorks on Ganson Street. “You work with what you have,” said Bailey, wiping his brow. “I know I don’t have my natural knees, but I can use my weight to take someone down.” Seconds later, Bailey did just […]

BJJ BJJ Advice Competition

How To Build A Competition Game Plan for Jiu-Jitsu

How To Build A Competition Game Plan for Jiu-JitsuThere is an age old saying that goes something to the effect of “he who fails to plan, plans to fail.”  Very often when talking to BJJ and MMA competitors who haven’t spent a whole lot of time on the competition mat, their response when asked about […]


BJJ Black Belt Triangle Chokes Alleged Home Invader

An alleged burglar made a terrible decision last month when he entered the Hernandez home in San Diego, CA. The home belonged to Sergio Hernandez Sr., the father of Sergio Hernandez Jr., an MMA fighter and BJJ black belt. Watch the full story of the incident in the video below! Andy GonzalezAndy Gonzalez is a […]

Community Curated

Story: Jiu-Jitsu Instructor And Father Of Two Passes Away During Training

(Sourced from original Article in Jiu Jitsu Times written by Emil Fischer) Tragedy struck last night when Precision Jiu-Jitsu instructor Zach Stewart passed away suddenly during training. He leaves behind a wife and two young children, one two years old and one two months old. Zach’s friend and teammate Pete Shoemaker made the following post regarding […]

BJJ Competition Opinions

5 Goals To Set For Yourself In Competition That Have Nothing To Do With Winning

The first few tournaments that we attend as jiu-jitsu competitors are inherently going to be tough.  Odds are that new competitors will lose, and lose often. Odds are that you’ll be a weight-class or even two higher than your healthy weight, and you won’t be ready to apply techniques that you’ve learned in training.  While […]

BJJ Just For Fun Newbies

Things Brazilian Jiu Jitsu White Belts Say

The thing about being a white belt in Brazilian Jiu Jitsu is that everyone starts there. While it may be difficult to imagine someone like Professor Mikal going through the same white belt struggles that the rest of us did, rest assured that it happened! Along the Jiu Jitsu white belt journey, there are going […]

BJJ Opinions

How To Choose The Right Jiu Jitsu Coach

There’s a reason that everyone in Jiu Jitsu is not on the same team or under the same coach.  There’s a reason that people choose to train with one coach over another. The reality is that even though Jiu Jitsu is a world of its own with a lot of commonalities, there are many different […]

BJJ Feel Good

Brazilian Jiu Jitsu Champion Honors Mother Through Competition

It was the perfect way to honor her mother. And given what she had been through to reach this point, there was no chance that Dakota Zimmerman would let the opportunity slip away. On May 30 at Long Beach State University in California, Zimmerman won the world title in the adult female light-feather division at […]

BJJ Curated Mental Health

Study: Brazilian Jiu Jitsu rituals can forge stronger social bonds

New research sheds light on how some of the rituals associated with Brazilian Jiu Jitsu affect practitioners’ sense of oneness with their martial arts training group. Social theorists have argued that painful rituals, which have been common all throughout human history, are a means of forging social bonds. But the proposition has been subjected to […]