Fitness Uncategorized

The Presidential Debate Survival Guide

Let’s be honest, the Presidential debates can bring MANY emotions. We have all felt some fear, some anger, and even some occasional excitement. Either way, we know that this most recent presidential debate is going to leave us all a little more worse for wear. 😉 Mikal AbdullahProfessor Mikal Abdullah is a 2nd Degree BJJ […]

BJJ Advice Fitness Health/Fitness Techniques

6 Side Control Secrets You Wish You Knew

Mikal AbdullahProfessor Mikal Abdullah is a 2nd Degree BJJ Black Belt, veteran, father, philanthropist, and founder of Aces Jiu Jitsu Club. You can find her personal Instagram account with the handle @cerebralbjj or just stop by one of our locations and get a session in!

Family Newbies Our Club

Want a FREE Aces Gi?

Hey Aces!  I have a special surprise for you! I know that you want to ROLL in “Acestilo”, so I am launching a CHALLENGE!!! Mikal AbdullahProfessor Mikal Abdullah is a 2nd Degree BJJ Black Belt, veteran, father, philanthropist, and founder of Aces Jiu Jitsu Club. You can find her personal Instagram account with the handle […]

BJJ Advice Competition Newbies Techniques

5 Biggest Guard Passing Mistakes

Mikal AbdullahProfessor Mikal Abdullah is a 2nd Degree BJJ Black Belt, veteran, father, philanthropist, and founder of Aces Jiu Jitsu Club. You can find her personal Instagram account with the handle @cerebralbjj or just stop by one of our locations and get a session in!

Family Our Club

Aces Jiu Jitsu Club Gives Back

Aces Jiu Jitsu Club Gives Back At Aces Jiu Jitsu Club, there is often talk about giving back to the community and checking in for charity. Have you ever wondered what that really looks like? At Aces we do much more than talk about giving back, we actually do it.  Mikal AbdullahProfessor Mikal Abdullah is a […]

BJJ Advice Newbies Our Club

Jiu Jitsu Etiquette & Unspoken Rules Part 2

Jiu Jitsu Etiquette, Unspoken Rules, and Things That Probably Annoy Your Teammates Although it’s not fair to expect you to just know these things, the fact of the matter is that at some point people DO expect you to know these unspoken rules.  Let’s continue the list of some of the most important things that […]

BJJ Advice Newbies Our Club

Jiu Jitsu Etiquette and Unspoken Rules

Jiu Jitsu Etiquette, Unspoken Rules, and Things That Probably Annoy Your Teammates Although it’s not fair to expect you to just know these things, the fact of the matter is that at some point people DO expect you to know these unspoken rules.  Here’s a list of some of the most important things that you […]

Family Mental Health Newbies Our Club

5 Ways You Can Give Back With Aces Jiu Jitsu Club

At Aces Jiu Jitsu Club we are BIG on giving back to our community and doing our part to EMPOWER our community.  When you train with us, you not only have the opportunity to grow and make a positive impact in your own life – you have the power to impact all of those around you! Take a […]

BJJ Advice Competition Newbies Worst Advice

Top 6 [Hidden] Mistakes When Sweeping An Attacker!

In honor of one of my favorite topics, here are the Top 6 Hidden Mistakes people make when sweeping an attacker and what you should do instead-if you want to get on top! Mikal AbdullahProfessor Mikal Abdullah is a 2nd Degree BJJ Black Belt, veteran, father, philanthropist, and founder of Aces Jiu Jitsu Club. You can […]

BJJ Advice Why BJJ

6 Ways to Get the Most Out of Private Brazilian Jiu Jitsu Lessons

You might be asking yourself why you would want to opt for private Brazilian Jiu Jitsu (BJJ) lessons when you already attend class regularly. However, private lessons can offer things that the traditional class setting cannot. Mikal AbdullahProfessor Mikal Abdullah is a 2nd Degree BJJ Black Belt, veteran, father, philanthropist, and founder of Aces Jiu […]