BJJ Self Defense

The Top 5 Reasons Jiu-Jitsu Is Great For Self Defense

People often tout Brazilian Jiu-Jitsu for being a highly efficient and effective system for self defense.  Because self defense is a highly nebulous term that doesn’t really mean much to people who don’t already understand it, often it is misused.  However, Brazilian Jiu-Jitsu IS, objectively, a highly effective tool for self defense and fighting.  Here […]

BJJ BJJ Advice Community

5 Ways to Build a Strong Local Jiu Jitsu Scene

A strong local jiu jitsu scene is crucial to the development of athletes within that scene. Developing jiu jitsu athletes need to face adversity, they need opportunities to experience styles disparate from their own. Local politics can stunt potential opportunities, and there are many different kinds of barriers that we can run into, but here […]

BJJ Competition Feel Good

When Community Comes First: The Story of How 2 Competition Circuits Helped A Third

The jiu-jitsu community has shown itself capable of doing amazing things for its members.  A recent incident has shown us all what we can accomplish together. Tournament circuits rely on their equipment to be able to function.  Mats are crucial to the week by week operation of these circuits, without mats, many circuits wouldn’t be […]